Learnir Cloud

A smaller vercel or cloudflare for hosting your learning websites.

Underneath Learnir cloud is utilizing either Fly or Vercel or Cloudflare or AWS. We are able to achieve this by integrating into these services via their Machine APIs - Enabling us to scale with a focus on learning experiences.This ensures a limitation of the complication required to deploy just a simple website for your learning experience.


Vercel is a cloud platform for serverless functions, static websites, and APIs. Vercel is the premium frontend cloud host for almost all the major web frontend frameworks.


Cloudflare is a cloud platform for web applications, APIs, and more. Cloudflare is the up and coming frontend cloud host for almost all the major web frontend frameworks.

Easy Migrations

These are the services which host most of the frontend websites. Us hosting it on these services enables you to easily migrate if need be.

Easy Advancements

These services are pushing the boundries of the frontend cloud. By utilizing them - Learnir Cloud is always at the forefront of what is available in the frontend hosting space.

Migrating off of Learnir Cloud

Given Learnir cloud is just hosting your website on these services if you ever need to migrate off of us to any of them, we can easily do so. This is available at the moment by writing to us via support and we aim to make it as easy as clicking a button in the upcoming iterations.

Custom Domains

Upon creating your website on learnir - it will automatically be assinged a subdomain. To add custom domains e.g domain.com or learn.domain.com, simply add it in the website section and you will be given instructions on how to succesfully connect it from your domain provider.