Content Distribution

Distribution Port Security

On distribution port creation, you recieve the public and private keys

Public & Private Keys

Public Key:

  • Use this in your website or frontends
  • they work in addition to your origins access allowed to configure where your content can be read from.

Server Key:

  • Store this key securely - you use it to perform advanced operations that you dont can't do securely on the frontend.
  • Most features in the future will use this key to perform actions like encryptions etc.

Key Ratelimits

We enable an acceptable level of use for each key but then to limit ddos like experiences we rate limit so every customer can enjoy the experience from learnir equaly.

We enable a rate limit of 100 requests per 1 second.

  • That makes it 1000 requests per minute.
  • 10K requests per hour etc.

If you believe you need more - please talk to support about it and we will increase this limit for your key.

How it works

We utilize to implement these api key controls. On every request to us, we utilize your API key info to verify(authenticate) that this request was made from you.