Learnir Dashboard
Course Content Schema
The content schema is a JSON file that defines the structure of the content that will be stored in the learnir database.
The schema is a variety of:
- form fields &
- database applied fields
Some of these fields are required, and some are optional.
Default Fields
At a default you will see a list of fields that are required - and by editing the schema - you can extend it to add more fields. Required fields are currently the default on creating a course.
You will be notified if you make any changes to required fields when you click on the apply schema button.
Extending Fields
- As you might have seen the fields are self explanatory.
- An array of objects - simply add your new object to extend the schema - & apply.
- An object of three properties - name, type & render.
"name": "image",
"type": "string",
"render": "image" // or "video" or "audio" or "richtext" or "files"
Field Properties
- name - a unique property value name
- type - a primitive programming data type - (array, object, boolean, string, number)
- render - what learnir field to render for editing this data - (input, video, Image, audio, richtext or files)
These are the default fields that are required or available as of now April 2024.