Certificate Component

We use onedoc for our certificate file generation service. It enables us just take HTML and print it out to high quality pdf resources. As you might have seen on the dashboard - you can create wild User Certificate experiences with a little bit of work. - No limits.

Certificate Variables

Certificate Variables determine where live data is inserted into the final pdf.

  • Variables are detonated with the curly brackets symbols {variable_name}

Available Variables

Variables come from 3 sources

  1. Consumer Objects
  2. Course Object - from where the certificate varialbe is used
  3. System Datas - things like dates etc

Here is the exhuastive list of it

Consumer Object

  1. {consumer_firstname}
  2. {consumer_lastname}
  3. {consumer_email}

Course Object

  1. {course_title}
  2. {course_description}

System Datas

  1. {system_id}
  2. {system_date}
  3. {system_time}

Simple add in your certificate's html file with {objectname_variablename} and it will be added automatically for you.

More datas depending on what you store on Course and Consumer Objects

In reality - all the string or number variables of course and consumer objects can be used for variables So if you want to add more data - store it on the consumer object or course object and it will automatically work as a variable.

  • If its of type string or number/integer.

Dont forget to prepend the variable name with a parent reference. e.g using firstname, instead of consumer_firstname